Menus - Menus - Wire-O binding 16 pages

A4 landscape with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A4 with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A5 landscape with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A5 long with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A5 with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A6 landscape with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
A6 with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
DL landscape with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
DL with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
Square small with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
Square medium with Wire-O binding, 16 pages
Square large with Wire-O binding, 16 pages

Digital Printing Calculator

Best offer

1.000 Leaflets 6-sided

-DIN long
-Delivery inclusive

£49.00 net
£49.00 gross

1,000 Leaflets 6-sided, folded to DL, letter fold
135 gsm art paper print, glossy


£49.00 NET
£49.00 GROSS

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